Education in the broadest sense is to increase ones understanding of the world as a result of training , study experience. It has to prepare the mind and body to accept challenges. While it is an ongoing process all through one’s life, structured academic learning constitutes an important aspect. This has to happen early , particularly in the competitive world of today.

Many educational goals are universal ; however , the form of education as well as its content may vary with time and place. Education of any kind whether structured or informal involves transmission of values and customs of a particular society to its younger members.

Blossom accepts and abides by the educational goals and objectives formulated in the national Curriculum 2000. We also understand the need for the acceptance of our heritage and value systems.

The vision of Blossom can be summarized as:

  • Strong impetus to personality development.
  • Deep understanding of our cultural heritage.
  • Foster scientific thinking.
  • Equip the younger generation to go with rapidly advancing.
  • Science and technology.
  • Prepare the children to the positively sensitive to the issues of our society.